■ 設計靈活性、繞組、直徑和堆疊長度
■ 多功能集成:粘結、夾具、螺紋轂、通孔
■ 直接扭矩傳輸的卓越動態性能
■ 緊湊型電機架構



LDX 180-013


LDX 180-025


LDX 180-050


LDX 180-075


LDX 180-100

Performance Units 180-013B 180-025B 180-050B 180-075B 180-100B
Max. Continuous Torque* Nm 13.2 24.4 42.3 56.0 67.3
Continuous Current* Arms 4.28 6.25 6.70 7.65 7.01
Peak Torque @ 20°C Nm 23.4 46.9 93.8 143 188
Peak Current Arms 7.72 12.2 15.2 20.0 20.0
Rated Power* W 937 1,374 1,546 1,782 1,654
Speed at Rated Power RPM 815 678 421 373 277
Torque at Rated Power Nm 11.0 19.4 35.1 45.6 57.0
No-Load Speed RPM 1,088 862 535 463 352
Cogging Torque % of Continuous 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0


Electrical Units 180-013B 180-025B 180-050B 180-075B 180-100B
Design Voltage**
48 VDC available upon request
VAC 230 230 230 230 230
Ke at 20°C (± 10 %) Vrms/kRPM 211 267 430 497 653
Kt loaded at 120°C Nm/Arms 3.07 3.90 6.31 7.32 9.60
Km at 20°C Nm/√(W) 1.14 1.88 2.94 3.71 4.30
Km at 120°C Nm/√(W) 0.852 1.41 2.21 2.80 3.24
Resistance line-to-line at 20°C (± 10 %) 6.22 3.68 3.89 3.27 4.20
Inductance line-to-line at 20°C (± 10 %) mH 16.0 12.6 16.3 14.1 18.7


Thermal Units 180-013B 180-025B 180-050B 180-075B 180-100B
Thermal Resistance  °C/W 0.420 0.333 0.274 0.250 0.232
Aluminum Heat Sink Dimensions mm 400 x 400 x 12.7 400 x 400 x 12.7 400 x 400 x 12.7 400 x 400 x 12.7 400 x 400 x 12.7
Storage Temperature °C -20 to 80 -20 to 80 -20 to 80 -20 to 80 -20 to 80
Operating Ambient Temperature*** °C -20 to 80 -20 to 80 -20 to 80 -20 to 80 -20 to 80
Maximum Winding Temperature °C 120 120 120 120 120
Physical Units 180-013B 180-025B 180-050B 180-075B 180-100B
Stator OD mm 179 179 179 179 179
Rotor ID mm 104 104 104 104 104
Stator Length mm 29.5 42.0 67.0 92.0 117
Stator Sleeve Length mm 14.5 27.0 52.0 77.0 102
Stator Stack Length mm 12.5 25.0 50.0 75.0 100
Rotor Length mm 14.5 27.0 52.0 77.0 102
Rotor Inertia kg·m2 1.42E-03 2.78E-03 5.50E-03 8.22E-03 1.09E-02
Total Mass kg 1.57 2.65 4.83 6.95 9.10
Number of Poles 44 44 44 44 44
Integrated Sensors 180-013B 180-025B 180-050B 180-075B 180-100B
Temperature Sensor PT-1000 PT-1000 PT-1000 PT-1000 PT-1000

*Assumes a 100°C temperature rise from 20°C ambient to the maximum winding temperature.

**Motors can be operated at different voltages. Contact an Applications Engineer for inquiries with special voltage requirements.

***Increasing the ambient temperature de-rates motor performance.

All electrical and performance specifications have +/- 15% tolerance. Specifications are preliminary and subject to change.